Mr. Chester presented the petition of the "Cyclone Base Ball Club," praying the Council to grant them the privilege of using for their playground the vacant space formerly reserved for the military at Lafayette Park, and also the right of leveling and smoothing the same for that purpose...
[Mr. Wells] presented petition of C.L. Kretschmar, W. Delafield, et. al., members of the Commercial Base Ball Club, asking permission to use the grounds in Lafayette Park, as petitioned for by the Cyclone Club.
-Missouri Republican, March 5, 1861
Commercial Base Ball Club - There will be a meeting of the members of this Club at their room (Gas Company's Building) No. 21 Pine street on Thursday, 17th March, 1862. A full attendance is requested, as business of importance will come before the meeting.
Wallace Delafield, Secretary.
-Missouri Republican, March 12, 1862