I have absolutely no idea when or where I got a digital copy of the article. Just kind of stumbled across this in one of my files while looking for something to post. I first found the article when looking at the actual, original, physical copies of the Bulletin from 1860 at the St. Louis Public Library. Still, to this day, I can't believe that I had those issues in my hand and remember just being terrified of touching them and harming them in some way. They didn't even give me gloves to handle them with. I just asked for them and they gave them to me. Crazy.
Having said that, I'll never forget that day. It was one of the best and most productive days of research I ever had and looking at these one hundred and fifty year old documents was an amazing experience. It's rare for me to have my hands on original source material. You usually get microfilm or a digital copy, which is great. But there's nothing like having the fragile original in your hands.