This new feature in the exhibition, which has caused such universal commendation and given rise to a spirited rivalry among our crack clubs, was inaugurated yesterday under flattering auspices. The committee appointed by the Association, consisting of Col. A.R. Easton, and Messrs. John Young, H.G. Smith, Walter Carr and W.B. Edgar, have spared no pains in arranging the preliminaries, and at 10 o'clock yesterday morning a large crowd were in attendance to witness the contest between the Aetna and Dirigo clubs. The game was intensely exciting, and resulted in the defeat of the Dirigio, by the following score: Aetna, 40; Dirigo, 29. J.H. Smith acted as Umpire.
In the afternoon the Empires and the Resolutes crossed swords. The game commenced promptly at two o'clock and lasted three hours. The Empires suffered defeat, the score standing 32 for the Resolutes against 27 for the ex-champions. Fred. Herring, of the Atlantic, officiated as Umpire. the matches for to-morrow are - forenoon, Olympic, of Carondelet, vs. Atlantic; afternoon, Union, Jr., vs. St. Louis.
On Wednesday afternoon the Excelsiors, of Chicago, will play a match with the Unions, of this city.
-Missouri Republican, October 6, 1868
When I read this article, I was surprised to see that the Empires got knocked out of the tournament by the Resolutes. Maybe I shouldn't have been. Maybe the club didn't place much importance upon the game and was looking forward to the resumption of their championship series against the Unions. Maybe they didn't put their best nine on the field. Who knows?