Contact Me
My name's Jeff Kittel, I'm the guy who runs this joint and I love hearing from the folks who visit the site. All four of you.
Actually, the best email I get comes from you guys. I always tell people that I get the coolest email. People come to me with great questions - questions that I don't necessarily know the answer to and have to dig up. And I love that. They send me pictures and articles and box scores that I've never seen. I love that stuff. I get emails from folks who are looking for information about their ancestors who played baseball in St. Louis in the 19th century and I get to help them discover stuff about their family. How awesome is that. I've gotten to met or exchange email with family of two members of the 1875 Red Stockings and two member of the Cyclones. And that was just the coolest thing.
I guess this is my way of saying that you should feel free to contact me with any questions, comments or concerns that you have. The comment section of the blog is on (unless I'm getting massively spammed, which happens) and you can use that to get in touch with me. My email is [email protected] and there's a little email button thingy at the top of the page. Use it. And if you follow me on Twitter (@hubkittel) I promise to tweet more and be witty and interesting (as compared to how I actually am in real life). Next to the email button is a little Twitter button that you can use. See how easy I've made it for you to contact me?
I'm really serious that I love getting questions from you guys. Don't be shy if you need some information or research assistance. I'm here to help. Years ago, when I first started doing this, there were some very kind people who helped me find my way in the wild world of 19th century baseball research and I've never forgotten that. Some of those folks are no longer with us and I want it to be part of their legacy that I help people just like they helped me. It's really a rather small community of people who care about stuff like this and we're all in it together.