For our purposes, the important thing here is not the recriminations that were being thrown around but, rather, the negotiations between Smith and the Olympics, which document how these important games were arranged in the later part of the pioneer era. Smith, in the defense of his club, was kind enough to publish the record of the negotiations and it offers a fascination look at the politics of baseball in 1869:
Washington, D.C., June 29, 1869.
Dear Sir, - It is somewhat uncertain whether we can go as far west as St. Louis or not. We will try, however, to do so. Please address us at Cincinnati (after July 1st),...what the pecuniary prospect will be in St. Louis. This would determine us somewhat, as we do not wish to lose money by taking an extensive trip. Hoping &c.,
F.A. Schmidt, Cor. Sec'y, O.B.B.B.
Union Base Ball Club, St. Louis, July 2, 1869.
F.A. Schmidt, Esq., Sec'y, Olympic B.B.C. - Dear Sir - Your favor of June 29th, inst. received. I cannot assure you of very bright pecuniary prospects. The Atlantics and Unions, of Morrisania, last year, drew less than $300. If our clubs here were able to give you an even game, I could assure you of a large attendance, but from the way things look I cannot assure you of anything. Our club would be happy, &c. Very respectfully,
Asa W. Smith, Pres't. U.B.B.C.
Cincinnati, July 4, 1869.
A.W. Smith, Pres't. U.B.B.C. - Sir. - Yours of 2d instant received. We will be happy to play your club next Thursday, July 8th, and trust that the game will be pleasant and profitable. Very truly yours,
N.E. Young, Treasurer Olympic Club.
Smith went on to state that "In his statement to you, Mr. Young says that he telegraphed to St. Louis on the 5th inst., and shortly after his telegram he received a letter from me, which induced his club to stay away. I don't think that Mr. Young has laid the blame on the right shoulders."
Obviously, it was all a question of money and that's understandable. Smith was honest with the Olympics and essentially told them that they'd make less than $300 and guaranteed them nothing. I would have to assume that the Olympics lost money on the tour and didn't see any monetary reason to go to St. Louis or Rockford. The problem was that they had already agreed to the games and, I guess, that was a bit of a scandal.
Note: I just checked the New York Clipper and found the original source for this material. The statements by Nick Young that started all of this appear in the July 10, 1869, issue of the Clipper while the response from Smith appears in the August 7, 1869, issue. Oddly, the Mears scrapbook has the date wrong, which concerns me a bit.