A match game of Base Ball was played yesterday afternoon, between the Imperial and St. Louis Base Ball Clubs, which resulted in a complete victory for the former.
-Missouri Republican, May 3, 1864
The St. Louis Base Ball Club is absolutely a new club or, at the very least, this is the first reference I've seen to them. I think St. Louis is a great name for a baseball club from St. Louis but what do I know. I've always wanted the Blues to trade for Martin St. Louis so we can all buy Blues jerseys that say St. Louis on the back. That would be, without a doubt, the best selling jersey in the history of the Blues.
Three days after this match was played, the Battle of the Wilderness began. The Wilderness was a brutal affair, as Grant threw his army at Lee's, and, when the battle ended on May 7th, combined casualties stood near 28,000. In the past, when faced with such casualties, the commander of the Army of the Potomac would retreat. Grant, realizing that his army could sustain those kinds of losses while Lee could not, kept moving south. That was Grant's genius. He knew he had the bigger army and he would continue to engage Lee's smaller army until it was destroyed. It resulted in horrific casualties but, in the end, it won the war.