The Cincinnati Unions failed to make a run yesterday in the game with the St. Louis Unions, which was witnessed by about 3,000 persons. Sweeny's pitching was wonderfully effective, only one hit being made off his delivery. On the other hand, the local batsmen found no difficulty in hitting Bradley's delivery, and the result of their operations at the plate were thirteen hits and a total of sixteen bases. The fielding errors were limited to four by the Cincinnati team, Sylvester making three and Jones one, while Whitehead's two fumbles constituted the only misplays on the part of the home nine. In both instances Whitehead recovered the ball quickly and sent it like a shot to first, making the decision extremely close. Neither Baker nor Crotty acquitted themselves very creditably behind the bat, the former having two and the latter four passed balls. In all other respect the fielding was sharp and brilliant. While the game was not exciting on account of the inability to hit Sweeny's delivery, it was nevertheless greatly enjoyed by the spectators, all of whom were curious to see how the Californian would succeed when opposed by the Cincinnati delegation. It is scarcely necessary to remark that his skillful work elicited general admiration and all observers agreed that he is an invaluable acquisition to the Unions. It was not until the seventh inning that the visitors scored their solitary hit. Then Sylvester drove the ball to right and came near being thrown out at first by Shaffer, the accuracy of the decision being doubted by many. Bradley exercised all of his old time cunning, but the local sluggers were remorseless and drove the ball right and left with vigor and viciousness. Rowe led at the bat with three hits, one a two-bagger, and Dunlap, Shaffer, Quinn and Sweeny each scored two hits, Dunlap and Shaffer each making a two-bagger.
-St. Louis Globe-Democrat, August 6, 1884
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